Wednesday, March 2, 2011

umass boston measles

in dorchester,ma The Boston Public Health Commission is investigating a case of measles on the umass boston campus. that is scary ,,umass boston is telling students who came in contact with the faculty member to stay at home for three weeks. i hope that never happens to me wheni get into college ..staying home for two weeks.. i would not want to m ake up all that work,, eventhough it is nice to have a break. anyways this illness is very serious and it is also known as an infectious disease. the university is making 45 students and 5 faculty members stay home. this effects alot of people. its sad that this is happening beacuse people come to the university to learn and work and they have miss out on  this oppurtunity because of measles. oh man ..the disease starts off with a rash on the face and it spreads, you get bloodshot eyes, a cough, a fever, and muscle pain... oooo that is gros and pray i neve meet anyone with this or i never get this.

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